torsdag den 7. august 2014

I'm official!

Nu er jeg helt officielt en del af Valdosta State University. Vi hentede mit studiekort tidligere, og jeg har desuden fået min campus postadresse. Du kan se den under contact her. Jeg flytter ind på søndag, og jeg glæder mig til at møde mine roommates, og de øvrige studerende på Centennial Hall!

Derudover kom Theresas mor og bror tilbage fra en smuttur til Jacksonville i går aftes, og medbragte hans to børnebørn, Kaylan på 2 og Dylan på 6. Vi var en tur i naboens pool, for at køle lidt ned i de 37-40 grader de præsterer hernede sydpå :-)

I dag var første skoledag før alle high schools i Valdosta, så der var en del skolebusser ude - og ja, de er fuldstændig som dem man ser på film: gule, og en smule gammeldags :-)


Now I am officially a part of Valdosta State University. We went by the college to pick up my student ID earlier, and I have also gotten my campus mailing address. You can find it under contact her. I'll be moving in on Sunday, and I look forward to meeting my roommates and the rest of the students at Centennial Hall!

Theresa's mother and brother came back last night from a short trip to Jacksonville, and they brought his grand kids, Kaylan who's 2, and Dylan who's 6. We went by the neighbor's pool to cool down from the 95 degrees they have here down south :-)

Today was also the first day of school for all the high schools  here in Valdosta, so there were a lot of school busses out - and yep, they look just like the ones you see on TV: yellow, and slightly old fashioned :-)

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