tirsdag den 12. august 2014

Moving out...

Fra hovedindgangen til Centennial :::: From the main entrance to Centennial
I dag havde vi første orientation-day. På en måde kan det sammenlignes med vores rusuger, men samtidig slet ikke! Programmet i dag var kort, og kun for internationale studerende. Det var primært information, og ikke rigtig noget socialt, men vi fik alligevel snakket med nogle af de øvrige studerende :-) 

Bagefter var vi i Student Union (en bygning hvor de samler foreninger m.m.), og jeg fik min første af mange kopper kaffe fra Starbucks (en kop=12 kr.), og derefter gik vi bare tilbage til vores dorm. I lejligheden bliver vi mødt af en flok håndværkere, som skal til og vaske tæpperne igen, da der er en mærkelig lugt i hele lejligheden, og primært i mit værelse. Det lugter ca. som vådt vasketøj der har ligget i en plastikpose i et par uger. Håndværkerne er dog ikke sikre på at lugten kommer fra tæppet, men derimod muligvis fra airconditionen, så hvis det ikke hjælper at vaske tæppet, vil de kigge på AC'en i morgen. 

Pga. lugten og luften i værelset - de har placeret en stor affugter midt i det hele - beslutter jeg mig for at sove hos Jim og Theresa, som henter mig ved 9-tiden. 

Så lige som jeg flyttede ind, flyttede jeg ud igen.. 


Today was the first day of orientation. In a way it can be compared to what we in Denmark call "rus-uge", but mainly because it is the first thing new students experience - they are in fact not similar at all! Today's program was short and only for international students. It was primarily information and not a lot of social stuff, but we still got to talk to some of the other students :-)

Afterwards we went by Starbucks in the Student Union, and I had the first of many cups of coffee (super cheap compared to Denmark), and then we returned to our dorms. There we are met by some maintenance guys who were about to shampoo the carpets again, cause there is a really bad smell in the apartment, and especially from my room. It kind of smells like wet laundry that has been in a plastic bag for a couple of weeks. The maintenance guys were not completely sure that it would solve the problem, as the smell might be coming from the AC, but they will check that out tomorrow if it hasn't improved. 

Because of the smell, and the bad air in the room - they placed a huge floor fan/dehumidifier in the middle of the room - I decide to spend the night with Jim and Theresa who picks me up around 9. 

Just as I was moving in, I moved back out... 

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