Tirsdag aften havde jeg fornøjelsen af at opleve Voca People her i Valdosta.
Det er en gruppe på 8 som opfører et helt show kun med vokal og beatboxing - rimeligt nice! Jeg ved ikke helt hvad jeg forventede af showet, men det var virkeligt et fantastisk og sjovt show!
Det var yderst underholdende og inddragede hele publikum i enkelte dele af showet, og forresten, så har de i øvrigt optrådt på Broadway!
En stor tak til Nancy Warren og hendes venner hos the Turner Center for the Arts som skaffede billetter til mig og Alyssa :-)
Tuesday night I had the pleasure of enjoying the Voca People right here in Valdosta.
It is a group of eight who perform an entire show based only on vocals and beatboxing - pretty cool! I didn't really know what I was expecting of the show, but it was amazing and so much fun!
It was very entertaining as they included the audience in parts of the show, and by the way - they performed on Broadway too!
Again a big thanks to Nancy Warren and her friends at the Turner Center for the Arts who got the tickets for me and Alyssa :-)
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