tirsdag den 17. februar 2015

Alligator, jambalaya, gumbo, and crawfish étouffée

The famous St. Charles streetcar

Parade in Uptown

New Orleans food culture (alligator to the left!)

Back to Bourbon Street

Men først skulle tømmermændene fra fredagen lige gåes væk med en tur i en af New Orleans' parker - Audubon Park som byder på en golfbane i midten, og en zoo i enden. Vi sprang dog både golf og dyr over, og nøjedes med at nyde den friske luft, hvor vi i øvrigt stødte på nogle (for en dansker) meget sjove skilte til cyklister... Tænk sig hvis man kun måtte køre 10 mph på cykelstierne i Danmark! 

Vi tog en kombination af busser og streetcar hen til parken - turen langs St. Charles er en smuk måde at opleve lidt af byen på!

Herefter var vi en lille gåtur fra dagens første optog i Uptown/Carrolton hvor der i øvrigt også er mange smukke huse. 

Vi fik samlet et par perlekæder inden vi fortsatte turen tilbage mod French Quarter hvor vi havde fundet en restaurant som tilbød lidt forskellige lokale retter som f.eks. alligator, jambalaya, gumbo osv. 

Jeg fik naturligvis prøvet næsten det hele med alligator, rejer og gumbo til forret, og jambalaya, crawfish étouffée, red beans and rice samt alligator sausage til hovedret. - Der var IKKE plads til dessert! (før lidt senere hvor vi tog på Starbucks for at få varmen og se optog igennem vinduet - heraf billedet af en "cake pop med saltkaramel).

Vi sluttede endnu en gang aftenen på en anden lille fantastisk jazz club, hvor vi faldt i snak med nogle venlige (og fulde) herrer som købte drinks til hele gruppen. Inden vi vendte hjem var vi lige forbi nogle af vores venner fra fredag som havde hotelværelse med balkon ud til Bourbon Street - på den måde fik vi også oplevet hvordan det er at kaste perlekæder, frem for at prøve at fange dem ;-P


But first the hangover from Friday had to be "walked off" with a trip to one of New Orleans' parks - Audubon Park, which has a golf course on the middle and a zoo at the end. Vi skipped both the golf and the animals, and instead enjoyed the fresh air where we found some (to a Dane) very funny signs on biking restrictions... I can't imagine what it would be like if you could only go 10 mph on the Danish biking paths!

We took a combination of busses and streetcar to get to the park - the trip along St. Charles is a very beautiful way to see a bit of the city!

After the park we were just a short walk away from our first parade in Uptown/Carrolton where they also have a lot of pretty houses. 

We gathered a few beads and then headed back towards the French Quarter where we were going to have dinner at a restaurant that offered some local cuisine like alligator, jambalaya, gumbo etc.

I of course tried almost all of it with alligator, shrimp and gumbo as appetizers, and jambalaya, crawfish étouffée, red beans and rice and alligator sausage as my entree. - I did NOT have room for dessert! (until a bit later when we dropped by Starbucks to get warm and watch a parade through the windows - hence the picture of a cake pop with salted caramel). 

Once again we ended our evening at another amazing little jazz club where we got to talking to some friendly (and "tipsy") gentlemen who bought drinks for our entire group. Before heading back to the hostel we met up with some of our friends from Friday who had a hotel room with a balcony over Bourbon Street - that way we got to experience what it was like throwing the beads and not just trying to catch them ;-P

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