onsdag den 19. august 2015

26/4-15: Jekyll Island/District Conference/Last GRSP get2gether

Huge bbq by the beach the first evening with music, games and more
The part of the Danish gang who could make it for the weekend

I starten af året blev vi hele tiden fotalt om den fantastiske distriktskonference sidst på året, hvor GRSPerne fra alle tre distrikter blev inviteret, så vi kunne have en sidste weekend sammen. 

Og lige pludselig var den der! Den berygtede "sidste weekend"..

For dem af jer som måske ikke kender Rotary så godt, så er distriktskonferencen et årligt weekendarrangement som afholdes for samtlige klubber indenfor et distrikt. I løbet af weekenden præsenteres det næste års distriktsguvenør, man samler op på året der er gået m.m.

Weekenden på Jekyll var helt forrygende. 

Vi havde en masse tid til at hænge ud ved poolen, spille fodbold, gå på stranden osv., og rammerne på Jekyll Island var super flotte. 

Det var lidt vemodigt at skulle sige farvel til nogle af GRSPerne om søndagen, især fordi man vidste at mange måske ikke ville se hinanden igen. 

Selvom der var næsten to måneder til jeg var hjemme i Danmark, synes enden på mit GRSP-år pludselig at være meget tæt på.


In the beginning of the year we were always told about the amazing district conference at the end of the year where all GRSPs from all three districts usually were invited so we could spend one last weekend together. 

And all of a sudden it was there! The infamous "last weekend"..

For those of you who might not know Rotary too well, the district conference is an annual weekend event, which is held for all clubs in each district. During the weekend next year's governor is presented, you look at the year that has passed etc. 

The weekend on Jekyll was amazing.

We had loads of time to hang out by the pool, play soccer, walk on the beach and more, and the settings for this event on Jekyll Island were just beautiful. 

It was a bit sad to have to say goodbye to some of the GRSPs before leaving Sunday, especially because you knew that some of them might not see each other again. 

Even though there was almost two months until I would be back in Denmark, the end of my GRSP year all of a sudden felt surprisingly close. 

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