Wildcats that is..
Så er football season endelig i gang, og dermed også "Friday Night Lights". Vi var til Valdosta High School kampen hvor de mødte Thomas County (nabobyen) - og VHS vandt. Selvom gutterne på banen ikke ser helt små ud, så er de faktisk teenagere alle sammen.
I Valdosta er der to high schools: City og County, og enten holder man med det ene hold, eller det andet hold, men jeg tillader mig nu at undlade at vælge side ;-)
Normalvis er der større opbakning til high school kampe, end til college kampe, hvilket formentligt skyldes forældre, bedsteforældre m.v., men der kommer også mange som ikke har nogen relation til hverken spillere, cheerleadere eller bandet - f.eks. Larry fra Bainbridge, som inviterede os.
Larry kommer typisk til alle kampe, og Bainbridge er altså 2 timer kørsel fra Valdosta.
Det er imponerende at selv football på high school niveau, er SÅ stort som det er her. På det lille stadion i Valdosta er der plads til ca. 12.000, og når City møder County, SÅ er der fyldt!
Jeg kan i øvrigt tilføje, at jeg nu forstår football...
Football season has finally kicked off, also including Friday night Lights. We went to the Valdosta High school game vs. Thomas County (the neighbor town) - and VHS won. Even though the guys on the field don't look it, they are actually all teenagers.
In Valdosta you have two primary high schools: City or County, and either you're with one team or the other, however I think I will refrain from choosing sides ;-)
Usually you'll have more people at the high school games than at college games, which I image has to do with parents, grand parents etc. However, there are also a lot of visitors who have no relation to the players, the cheerleaders or the band - like Larry from Bainbridge who invited us.
Larry will usually attend all games, and Bainbridge is a 2 hour drive from Valdosta. The small Valodsta stadium will seat around 12,000 people, and when City plays County, it is FULL!
It is impressive that even high school football is as big a deal here, as it is.
By the way, I now understand football...