torsdag den 5. februar 2015

Elvis has left the building...

Carl Perkins/Gabe Bowling, me, Mr. Sam Phillips/Bryan Langlitz and Elvis Presley/Skye Scott
I tirsdags var jeg endnu en gang i teateret her i Valdosta til endnu et broadway show. 

Showet var Million Dollar Quartet, som er en gengivelse af en aften i december 1956, hvor Elvis' første pladeselskab - Sun Records (mest bestående af én person - Mr. Sam Phillips), fik samlet fire af tidens største musikere: Elvis, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins og Jimmy Lee Lewis, til lidt hyggejam, indspilning, og lidt alvorlig snak om fremtiden for musikerne. 

Jeg havde fået en billet i julegave af Jim og Theresa, som jeg så endte med at kunne give videre til en af deres venner, da jeg kunne få en gratis billet igennem skolen sammen med Basak. 

Inden showet havde jeg inviteret på middag, så det var en rigtig aften i teateret :-) 

Showet var fantastisk og der blev spillet (LIVE!) alt fra Blue Suede Shoes, Fever, Walk the Line, Great Balls of Fire, Hound Dog osv. 

Efter showet blev Basak og jeg naturligvis hængende for at få et billede med de (meget) flotte skuespillere.... :-) 


Tuesday I was once again in the theater here in Valdosta for one more broadway show.

The show was Million Dollar Quartet, which is a remake of a night in December 1956 where Elvis' very first record label - Sun Records (primarily consisting of one person - Mr. Sam Phillips), managed to get four of the biggest stars of the time together in one room: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jimmy Lee Lewis, for some man-to-man talk, casual jamming, and some serious talk about the future for these musicians. 

I had gotten my ticket as a Christmas present from Jim and Theresa, which I could then give on to one of their friends, since I managed to get free tickets through VSU along with Basak. 

Before the show I had invited Jim and Theresa for dinner, so it was a full night of fun at the theater :-)

The show was amazing and they played (LIVE!) everything from Blue Suede Shows, Fever, Walk the Line, Great Balls of Fire, Hound Dog etc. 

After the show Basak and I of course stayed around to get a picture with the (very) handsome actors.... :-)

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