torsdag den 5. februar 2015


Som det vist ikke går nogens næse forbi længere, var der Super Bowl i søndags. 

Eftersom jeg for en gangs skyld faktisk kunne se kampen uden at skulle blive oppe hele natten, så jeg rigtig meget frem til dette ærke-amerikanske event, og jeg var inviteret ud til en veninde til Super Bowl party. 

Der var naturligvis disket op med alt hvad der hører sig til at pizza, øl, snacks i lange baner, og så hvad de forskellige gæster kom med af chips, dip, m.m. 

Første halvleg blev mest brugt på at høre musik, snakke og drikke øl, hvor der selvfølgelig blev fuld fokus på skærmen da halvlegsshowet kom på - det var faktisk det de fleste var kommet for! :-P 

Efter Katy Perry havde reddet rundt på en elektronisk tiger, og fløjet på et stjerneskud, tog det første hold også hjem igen.. 

Jeg blev hængende, og fulgte med i sidste halvleg, som faktisk var rigtig spændende - men det var de af jer som så kampen jo godt :-) 


As most people probably know by now, the Super Bowl was on last Sunday. Americans know this for sure, but it has also become almost impossible for people back home in Denmark to avoid the event because of the massive marketing stunt all the organizations are doing to sell more stuff.

Since I for once could actually watch the game without having to stay up all night (which a lot of guys back home actually do), I was really looking forward to experiencing this truly American event, and I had been invited out to one of my friends' house for a Super Bowl Party. 

We of course had all the necessities like pizza, beer, and endless snack, plus all the stuff that the guests brought a long like more chips and dip..

During the first half we mostly listened to music and drank a few beers, but when it was time for the half time show, all attention was directed towards the screen - after all, most people had just come to watch it, not the game :-P

After Katy Perry had been riding around the arena on an electric tiger, and flown across the stadium on a shooting star (or something), the first group of people went home..

I hung around and followed the last half of the game, which actually turned out to be quite interesting, which those of you who watched them game, already know :-)

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