onsdag den 4. marts 2015

More pancakes!

I tirsdags var det national pandekagedag - i hvert fald på IHOP (International House of Pancakes - ja, det eksiterer - ja, det er en kæderestaurant). 

På IHOP betyder national pandekagedag at alle (ja, ALLE!) får gratis (ja, GRATIS!) pandekager! 

Juhuuu! - dét skal fejres ;-)

Så vi mødte glade og sultne op tirsdag morgen kl. 9 til en omgang pandekager (og lidt rigtig morgenmad i form af spejlæg og hashbrowns/rösti). 

Rigtigt nok var pandekagerne gratis - 3 stks. pr. næse. 

Til gengæld opfordres man til at smide lidt håndører i deres indsamling på vejen ud. Der bliver samlet ind til Children's Miracle Network som sørger for at f.eks. kræftsyge børn eller børn med andre længerevarende sygdomme har adgang til ekstra ressourcer.

Pandekagerne var lækre - og vi efterlod alle en lille donation på vejen ud :-)


Tuesday was national pancake day - at least according to IHOP.

At IHOP, national pancake day means free (yes, FREE!) pancakes for everybody (yes, EVERYBODY!).

Wohooo - worth a small celebration ;-)

So we went to IHOP at 9AM, happy and hungry, to get our pancakes (and some real breakfast like eggs and hashbrowns). 

Even though I was skeptical at first (really? Something for free in the US?), the pancakes were actually free! 3 per person.

However, you were encouraged (not forced) to donate a bit of money after your meal. The donation would go to the Children's Miracle Network, which as far as I understood, is a charity that provides some extra resources to children who have longterm illness or disease, or is hospitalized for other causes. 

The pancakes were delicious and we all left a small donation on the way out :-)

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