onsdag den 8. april 2015

20/3-15: The Big Apple?

Now you're in New York! 
These streets will make you feel brand new 
These lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York!

Man kan ikke helt lade være at have det indre soundtrack kørende når bussen ruller igennem New York's gader. 
Vi får set lidt af det hele må man sige - først Harlem, så Upper East Side, og til sidste havner vi i Midtown hvor vi bliver smidt af bussen. 
Busturen fra Boston tog omkring 4-5 timer, og vejene er tydeligt mærkede af den hårde frost de oplever oppe nordpå (det var et "bumpy ride"). 

Vi finder straks en subway og kort tid efter står vi foran døren til vores New York-home i East Village - hvor der i øvrigt var udsigt til Empire State Building fra vinduet :-) 

Vores airbnb-vært tog super godt imod os, og jeg vil klart anbefale andre som rejser til New York at bruge airbnb - læs om det her.

Vi tog en gåtur i området, og som var det planlagt begyndte små snefnug at dale ned over os, og lyse alting op med et tyndt lag ny sne. 

På gåturen var vi omkring China Town hvor vi endte med at spise lækker Dim Sum og desuden Manhattan Bridge. 

New York er fyldt med kontraster og forskellighed, og efter at have boet nede i det sydlige Georgia, hvor de fleste mennesker ser ens ud, så var det forfriskende hele tiden at se forskellige mennesker. 

East Village er et livligt område fyldt med gode restauranter (virkeligt gode), og små barer, butikker m.m. Der er liv i gaden! Hele tiden! - og det er altså lidt fantastisk når man er blevet vant til Valdosta hvor man sjældent ser folk gå udenfor universitets område :-) 

Ps. Hvorfor hedder det egentligt The Big Apple? 
(Jeg er sikker på Google har svaret, men umiddelbart har jeg ikke fundet grunden på egen hånd endnu) 


Now you're in New York! 
These streets will make you feel brand new 
These lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York!

You can't quite stop from replaying that inner soundtrack when the bus is taking you through the streets of New York. 
We get to see a bit of everything - first Harlem, then Upper East Side, and finally Midtown where the bus drops us off. 
The trip from Boston took around 4-5 hours, and you can definitely tell that the roads are suffering under the harsh cold up north (it was a bumpy ride). 

We immediately catch the subway and few minutes later we're standing in front of our New York home in East Village - where we by the way, have a view of the Empire State Building from the window :-)

Our airbnb host gave us a warm welcome, and I would definitely recommend others traveling to New York to use airbnb - read about it here

We went for a walk in the area, and is if it was all planned out, small snowflakes starting falling from the sky and lightened up everything with a thin layer of fresh snow. 

Our walk took us to China Town where we had wonderful Dim Sum, and also by the Manhattan Bridge. 

New York is full of contrasts and differences, and after having lived in South Georgia for a while where people just look similar in an inexplicable way, it was refreshing to see so many different people around. 

East Village is a lively neighborhood with great restaurants (really great!), small bars and stores etc. There is life in the street! All the time! - which is also pretty amazing after being used to rarely seeing people walking in the streets outside the campus area :-)

Ps. Why is it again it's called the Big Apple? 
(I'm sure Google has the answer, but I haven't yet been able to figure it out by myself)

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