søndag den 9. november 2014

It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!

Our ride for the day

YMCA: Lots of sleeping bags - no mattresses..
Freja and I took a walk on the YMCA outdoor exercise path through the woods
Der er jo dømt ren billede-kavalkade i dette indlæg om vores weekend i Atlanta! 

Efter vi mødtes fredag aften til lejrbål og grillede skumfiduser, var der lidt mere på programmet til lørdag. 

Først besøgte vi CNNs hovedkontor for at høre lidt om hvordan verdens største nyhedsnetværk fungerer og operere på daglig basis. Det var virkelig interessant, og sørme ikke om Anders Fogh var en del af tour-materialet i filmen som de viste os om hvad CNN laver :-) 

Derefter var vi en tur i et af verdens største akvarier - Georgia Aquarium. (Det overgår Kattegatcenteret en lille smule..) Og eftersom museet er så stort var der naturligvis indbygget et transportbånd i en af udstillingerne - altså til gæsterne!

Vi fik også mulighed for at opleve et delfinshow - og det var faktisk første gang jeg har set en delfin!
Man kunne nok godt fornemme at vi måske ikke helt ramte målgruppen for showet, da det mere eller mindre mindede om et børneeventyr om kampen mellem det gode og det onde, og med massere af sang og musik, men det var ganske underholdende :-) 

Aftenen og natten skulle tilbringes på YMCA, som for dem der ikke ved det er et sportscenter. Efter kl. 21 havde vi adgang til faciliteterne som inkludere klatrevæg, sports- og svømmehal, så der var mulighed for at forbrænde et par af de mange kalorier man fristes af herovre (læs: cookies)... 

Jeg nåede op på ca. 3,5 times søvn i min nye sovepose på et gammelt gulvtæppe - derefter blev det til et par timer i bilen på vej hjem til Valdosta.


I'm sorry if there is a bit of an overflow of pictures in this post from our weekend in Atlanta!

After meeting up Friday night for bonfire and S'mores, the program for Saturday was a bit more packed. 

First we visited the CNN headquarters to learn about how the world's largest news network works and operates on a daily basis. It was really interesting and former Danish Prime minister and NATO general secretary, Anders Fogh, was a part of the tour material in the video we were shown on what CNN does :-) - Being a small country we really love it when Denmark is somehow put on the map internationally... 

After that we went to the Georgia Aquarium, which is one of the world's largest aquariums. (It beats what we have at home just by a couple of inches ;-) ) - by the way, seeing as the museum is soo big, they of course had a conveyer belt through one of the exhibitions - for people that is!

We also had the opportunity of experiencing a dolphin show - and that was actually the first time I've ever seen a dolphin!
You kind of got the sense that we might not be within the show's target group seeing as it reminded me more of a children's fairytale  about the battle between good and evil and with plenty of songs and music, but it was very entertaining! :-)

The evening and night was to be spent at the YMCA - an exercise facility for those who don't know. After 9PM we could enter the center and use the climbing wall, the gymnasium and the pool, so we had an opportunity to burn some of the many calories that are tempting here (read: cookies)...

I think I made it to 3.5 hours of sleep in my new sleeping bag on an old rug on the floor - after that I got another couple of hours on the drive back to Valdosta.

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