onsdag den 26. november 2014

That time I became a selfie-queen

Would you believe it if I said we took this picture in the Oval Office?
Scandinavia at the US Navy Memorial

Food trucks along The National Mall - the American version of a Danish "Pølsevogn"

Her har I et udsnit af mine mange selfies fra weekenden.. Det er næsten pinligt, men mest af alt sjovt! Og så har jeg da i det mindste rigeligt med bevis for at jeg rent faktisk var der ;-)

Vores første hele dag i Washington var helt fantastisk! Som en rigtig dansker skal man jo fremhæve vejret som afgørende faktor for udbyttet af turen, som her var helt i top!

Lørdag var en kølig dag med tempereatur omkring 8-12 grader. Til gengæld var der høj solskin og blå himmel hele dagen, og det skabte perfekte forhold for at nyde alle Washington's mange monumenter og memorials. 

Vi fik særlig kigget på Det Hvide Hus, The Capitol, The Washington Monument, World War II Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, og The Vietnam War Memorial. 

Midt i vores tur omkring the Capitol kom vi i snak med en lokal amerikaner som udover at være meget snaksagelig, også anbefalede os at besøge The American Indian Museum, om ikke andet end så bare for at prøve deres buffalo burger - så det gjorde vi så! Og ja  - det var altså rigtig buffalo!

Vi sluttede aftenen i DC's Chinatown, som ikke er specielt kinesisk længere, men vi fandt en god kinesisk restaurant, og med Freja på vores hold, som snakker kinesisk, så fik vi også bestilt noget god mad :-) 

Jeg fik min første fortune cookie, men min fortune var ikke umiddelbart noget at skrive hjem om, desværre ;-)

Washington er så smuk! (Men hold da op de har mange memorials....!)


Here are just a couple of my selfies from the weekend.. It is almost embarrassing, but mostly it is fun! And it provides me with plenty of proof that I was actually there ;-)

Our first full day in Washington was amazing! As a true Dane, I have to comment on the weather as it is crucial to the outcome of the trip, but here it was just perfect! (Danes always talk about the weather...)

Saturday was a cool day around 40 degrees, but we had sunshine and a blue sky all day creating the perfect environment to truly enjoy all of Washington's monuments and memorials. 

We explored The White House, The Capitol,  The Washington Monument, World War II Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, and The Vietnam War Memorial. 

During our tour of The Capitol, we met an American guy who recommended us to visit The Native American Indian Museum, if anything then just to try their buffalo burger - so we did! And yes - it was real buffalo!

We ended our evening in DC's Chinatown, which is not actually that Chinese anymore, but we did manage to find a good Chinese restaurant, and with Freja on our team, who speaks Chinese, we also managed to order some pretty good food :-)

I had my very first fortune cookie, but my fortune wasn't exactly worth remembering, unfortunately ;-)

Washington is so beautiful! (But wow do they have a lot of memorials....!)

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