Beautiful palm tree Christmas decor |
Chip & Chap / Chip & Dale! |
Find Indiana Jones! |
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The most terrifying ride in Hollywood Studios - and no, I did NOT ride it... |
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The Magic EPCOT golf ball |
Efter en lille pause fra parkerne og en tur i endnu et shoppingcenter, var vi klar til mere DISNEY!
Vi havde to parker tilbage på programmet: Hollywood Studios som fokuserer meget på Disney-film og shows, og EPCOT som er den internationale, videnskabelige park.
Efter Universal var vi ved at være godt trætte af forlystelser, så det var godt med nogle parker hvor der var rigtig meget andet at se.
I Hollywood Studios havde de en masse shows - f.eks. Indiana Jones som var mega fedt!
I EPCOT havde de deres verdens udstilling som havde forskellige lande repræsenteret med en lille landsby f.eks. Mexico, Marokko, Norge, Tyskland, Frankrig, Italien, Kina. - De fedeste lande at se for mig var naturligvis alle dem som jeg rent faktisk ikke har været i, så jeg synes særligt Mexico og Marokko var ret nice :-)
Vi sluttede i EPCOT da de har ry for at have et helt fantastisk afslutningshow - og det var virkelig fantastisk!
Derudover havde EPCOT nogle - ifølge mig - ret fede forlystelser. Især deres "test track" synes jeg altså var virkelig sjov :-) - Jeg har vist altid været en lille smule fartgal...
After a small break from the parks and a trip to another mall with the girls, we were ready for even more DISNEY!
We had two more parks left on our program: Hollywood Studios, which focuses on Disney movies and shows, and EPCOT with their world exhibit and focus on science and history.
After Universal we were getting kind of tired of riding stuff, so these parks were great because there was so much more to do and see than just the rides.
In Hollywood Studios they had a bunch of cool shows - like Indiana Jones, which was awesome!
In EPCOT they had the world exhibit with small villages representing different countries like Mexico, Morocco, Norway; Germany, France, Italy and China. - The coolest ones were of course those I haven't actually visited, so I really liked Mexico and Morocco :-)
We finished the day in EPCOT cause they are known for having an amazing nighttime show - and the show was amazing!
EPCOT also has some - according to me - really cool rides. I especially liked their "Test track" that I thought was really fun! - I guess I always liked driving really fast cars...
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